Couples & Family Therapy

If you and your loved ones are having difficulty communicating or functioning as a family unit, couples and family therapy may be right for you. At Arkansas Counseling & Wellness, we are happy to offer therapy services for couples and families to help them communicate more clearly, address conflict, and develop skills to work together to address family problems. If you’re interested in learning more about couples and family therapy, read this page and call to find out more or schedule an appointment with the Arkansas Counseling & Wellness Services team.

What is Couples & Family Therapy?

Family therapy is a collaborative process involving families, couples, and a trained therapist, working together to alleviate distress and resolve conflicts by enhancing the patterns of interaction among family members. The goal is to improve communication, foster understanding, and establish healthier dynamics within the family unit. Therapeutic techniques employed in family therapy can vary widely, depending on the specific needs and dynamics of the family, but may include cognitive-behavioral approaches, narrative therapy, structural therapy, or systemic interventions. By addressing underlying issues, identifying strengths, and promoting effective communication strategies, family therapy aims to create a more harmonious and fulfilling home environment for all members involved..

Who Should Consider Couples & Family Therapy?

Our therapy sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for families to address these challenges, enhance communication, foster understanding, and promote healing and resilience within the family unit.

Our team offers couples and family therapy sessions aimed at enhancing the functioning of your family unit. There are various situations where family counseling can prove to be immensely beneficial:

More Facts
      • Disruption in Routine Functions: When one or more family members struggle to carry out routine tasks or cease performing them altogether, indicating potential underlying issues.
      • Extreme Emotional Responses: Instances where one or more family members exhibit intense emotional reactions, hindering effective communication and disrupting the family’s cohesion.
      • Difficulty in Expression or Communication: When family members find it challenging to express themselves, resort to silence as a form of punishment, or withdraw from familial interactions.
      • Violent or Harmful Behavior: Cases where family members display violent or harmful behaviors towards others or themselves, necessitating immediate intervention and support.
      • Feelings of Hopelessness and Coping Difficulties: Situations where family members express feelings of hopelessness, struggle with daily functioning, and find it hard to cope with life’s stresses.
      • Significant Changes in Behavior: Instances where family members exhibit notable behavioral changes at home, work, school, or in personal relationships, indicating potential underlying issues.
      • Traumatic Experiences: Families grappling with traumatic events such as the death of a loved one, divorce, or betrayal like an affair, which can significantly impact family dynamics and individual well-being.
      • Experiences of Abuse: Cases where one or more family members have endured emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, whether from within or outside the family unit, necessitating healing and support.
      • Compulsive Issues: When family members struggle with compulsive behaviors, such as addiction or obsessive-compulsive tendencies, which can strain relationships and disrupt family functioning.

What are the Benefits of Couples & Family Therapy?

Engaging in couples and family therapy can lead to a multitude of positive outcomes, including:

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      • Respect for Boundaries: Gaining insight into and honoring the boundaries of your loved ones, fostering mutual respect and understanding within the family unit.
      • Understanding Family Dynamics: Exploring family patterns and dynamics to better comprehend each member’s role within the family system and how they contribute to its overall functioning.
      • Enhanced Communication: Learning effective communication techniques to express thoughts, feelings, and needs openly and constructively, promoting healthier interactions among family members.
      • Improved Problem-Solving Skills: Developing skills to address challenges and conflicts within the family in a collaborative and solution-focused manner, leading to more effective problem resolution.
      • Increased Empathy and Understanding: Cultivating empathy and understanding towards family members’ perspectives, experiences, and emotions, fostering deeper connections and mutual support.
      • Conflict Resolution: Acquiring tools and strategies to navigate conflicts and disagreements respectfully and constructively, promoting harmony and cooperation within the family.
      • Healthy Anger Management: Learning techniques to manage and express anger in healthy and productive ways, reducing the risk of destructive behaviors and promoting emotional regulation.
      • Healing After Trauma: Facilitating the process of healing and forgiveness within the family following traumatic events or crises, fostering reconciliation and rebuilding trust among family members.
      • Building Trust and Honesty: Creating an environment where honesty is valued and trust is strengthened, laying the foundation for deeper familial bonds and emotional intimacy.
      • Supportive Environment: Establishing a supportive and nurturing family environment where every member feels valued, heard, and validated in their experiences and emotions.
      • Stress Reduction: Alleviating stress and tension within the family unit by addressing underlying issues and promoting healthier coping mechanisms and communication patterns.
      • Reconnection: Facilitating the reintegration of isolated family members back into the family unit, promoting inclusivity, and strengthening familial bonds.

What Happens During Couples & Family Therapy?

Family therapy differs from individual therapy in its treatment perspective rather than the number of individuals present in the room. This form of therapy views problems within the family unit as patterns or systems that require adjustment. While not all family members may be present during a session, those who attend will engage in discussions about current concerns and difficulties. The counselor will collaborate with the present members to develop strategies for navigating conflicts, addressing communication breakdowns, and establishing more effective systems for managing the challenges that arise within the family dynamic. By focusing on the interactions and dynamics within the family, rather than solely on individual issues, family therapy aims to promote healthier relationships and overall family well-being.

Marriage Matters Series in Northwest Arkansas

Meet your Facilitator

Dr. Silena Scott
PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy with an Emphasis in Conflict Resolution
Licensed Associate Counselor

If you’re looking to improve your marriage; you’re in the right place.

Dr. Silena Scott will be facilitating a marriage matters series covering topics such as finance and fidelity, sex, and conflict resolution. Contact her at for more information and to reserve your spot.

Choose either:
one-day option of Saturday, April 13, from 9 am to 3 pm;
or weekly option April 17 to May 22 on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 pm
Marriage Matters

Intensives in Central Arkansas

Couples Intensive Counseling with Bill Carpenter, LMFT, LPC, offers a dedicated and personalized approach to relationship healing and growth. Tailored to meet the specific needs of each couple, these intensive sessions range from 4 hours to 3 days, providing a flexible duration to address issues comprehensively. As an ICEEFT certified therapist and supervisor, Bill Carpenter brings expertise in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), an evidence-based approach known for its effectiveness in promoting secure emotional bonds and resolving conflicts.

Through active participation and guided exploration, couples engage in deep conversations, learn effective communication strategies, and gain insights into their relationship dynamics. The intensive nature of these sessions allows for rapid progress, fostering understanding, empathy, and long-lasting positive change within the relationship, irrespective of marital status. Although not covered by insurance, the investment in couples’ well-being and the strengthening of their bond is invaluable.

Bill Carpenter
ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist and Supervisor